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IBM hat 765 CEOs aus Amerika, Europa und Asien zu ihren Innovationsstrategien befragt, und die Ergebnisse in einer Studie veröffentlicht.

Die Antwort liegt irgendwo da draußen
Original picture by Dani, Wellington, Australia via Flickr. Thanks for sharing!

Force an outside look…every time – Push the organization to work with outsiders more, making it first systematic and, then, part of your culture. […] When asked which sources their companies relied on most for their innovative ideas, CEOs’ responses held some surprises.


Business partners were right near the top of the list – just behind the general employee population. And customers were third, which means two of the top three significant sources of innovative ideas now lie outside the organization.

Internal R&D, on the other hand, was conspicuously buried much further down the list. Only 17 percent of CEOs mentioned it. […] External sources were not only prevalent in the ranking of CEOs’ most significant sources of ideas, they also comprised a substantial portion of the overall quantity of ideas.

An und für sich nichts Neues, dennoch ist die Studie einen Blick wert. Die zwei zentralen Fragen bleiben weiterhin:

  • Wie binde ich meine Kunden in Innovationsprozesse ein?
  • Wie gelingt es mir Menschen aus Unternehmen mit unterschiedlichen Kulturen zur Kooperation zu motivieren, so dass eine gemeinsame Vision entsteht?

aus: Expanding the Innovation Horizon, IBM CEO Study 2006 (pdf Download)

Hannes Treichl

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